Everyday Robots
AfterEffects, PhotoshopThis project has quite a bit of history behind it. It came to life as a concept way back in 2005. Its development was constantly halted by various commercial projects (many of which never seen the daylight).
For a while it was considered as a candidate for one of the S'NEK fillers, but in the end Everyday Robots came back to its original function: a short imago promo.
Everyday robots can be made by anyone. Pick couple of soda cans, glue them to a pressure gauge, stick a bunch of pencils to support it on the ground and finally tape everything to two F-16 jet wings and you have your own mechanic fly!
We started with five robot designs (three made it to the final video) and rendered some test shots of them. Using those as the concept base, the music was made (featuring Prof. Stephen Hawking's voice). The sound was bounced back to the editing where we synchronized camera movement and animation to the beat.
The result can be seen below - enjoy!
Design and animation by Quba Michalski, with music and sound effects by Dağhan Kök.
Click on the thumbnail to view the film (QuickTime required) or to browse the gallery of screenshots.