mtv: happy ident
AfterEffects, Photoshop Happy Ident for MTV is a short motion graphics animation about fun. 20 seconds in length (with the possible music extension to 30 seconds), this work showcases some of the things that we enjoy, presenting them in highly iconized form.
It started out as a tall Photoshop image, ranging from the ground to the sky, and then got filled up with various elements, such as isometric MTV space station, Space Invaders rainbow test-screen, clouds, wind, a pyramid, etc. One image leading to another, we connected the scenes either via concept, shared graphic elements or sound.
The video has been submitted to MTV Networks Europe, tune to MTV-E to see it on a big screen.
Designed and composited by Quba Michalski with additional art direction by Çiğdem Keresteci and music by Ferit Özgüner.
Click on the thumbnail to view the film (QuickTime required) or to browse the gallery of screenshots.